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We help our clients to innovate by bringing forth the Innovation Solution Protocol. Holding classes, and direct engagement.


The Innovation Solution Protocol is designed to help with durable serious research and development projects. We help organize the project, offer tools to estimate cost-to-complete, and time-to-finish, and most promising: we provide means to accelerate innovation dynamics. We help you keep your focus not on creative brilliance as much as on innovation productivity. This re-focusing does not come easy to the creative minds that flared up the project in the first place. Our tools help.


D&G Sciences -- Innovation Productivity Corporation offers digital workshops and webinars. We start with a three sessions introductory webinar. Participants are tooled up to impact their R&D project right away. A five session webinar tailored for chemists is offered through the American Chemical Society. 


At the high end D&G Sciences -- Innovation Productivity Corporation trains individuals towards a certificate of "Innovation Management Professional".


D&G Sciences -- Innovation Productivity Corporation serves all innovation stakeholders by issuing an 'Arm's Length Innovation Appraisal' -- a most credible estimate of cost-to-complete, and time-to-finish.


Direct engagement comes in two flavors: (i) we assign a certified innovation management professional to be part of the R&D project; (ii) we guide our clients to describe their R&D situation in an unrevealing homomorphic way, to which we respond with suggestions to be incorporated in whole or part. 


We offer prospective clients a free service. We guide you to describe your innovation challenge without exposing your secrets, to which we prepare an Innovation Solution Protocol statement. Should you see value in our work, we can talk further.

The Innovation Solutions Protocol is used by the full range of innovation stakeholders. Innovators arm themselves with a practical tool box, and other stakeholders use the protocol to better oversee and appraise the R&D effort which they fund, or expect to benefit from. D&G Sciences -- Innovation Productivity Corporation offers discrete engagement. Unless specifically authorized we don't identify our clients.
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