From the Tool Box of
Innovation Science
Assembling and Processing Equivocated Statements to Unearth Hidden Solutions
The new field of Innovation Science (InnovationScience.net) is perfecting the idea of finding solutions to intractable problems by first assembling a broad 'cloud' of possibilities, and then processing this cloud to clarify and identify the sought out solution. The cloud is comprising of statements and stories that are on the range between perfectly meaningful to perfectly meaningless. (see notes); perfectly correct -- perfectly false; perfectly relevant, perfectly irrelevant. The Qstories are processed and end up focused on rather meaningful, truthful and relevant statements that become the building blocks of the sought out solutions.
Reputable professionals are normally very reluctant to make statements about new technology, new possibilities, or over a wild range of scenarios, because they may be found wrong and harm their standing. So statements overly shrouded with doubt are never made. The Qstory idea allows a recognized professional to make a statement that reflects a possibility, even a remote possibility, or even reflects an intriguing thought in the range of the absurd. The Qstatement is not definitive, it is iffy, it is something that may come down on the perfectly false side. The person (or AI machine) making this statement does not vouch for it, they simply put it on the table as something of interest, to discuss and to be inspired by towards something more useful for the purpose of developing a solution. It is not the accuracy or the correctness of the Qstory that matters, it is the interest, the novelty, the challenge to the imagination, the door that it opens into something which may be very different and much more important and relevant.
When people of imagination get the license to air Qstories they lose their misgivings and let their imagination roam free then capture its suggestion in a statement of interest.
The cloud of Qstatements and Qstories is BiPSA handled, a method in which all sources of relevant knowledge (human or machines) are polled for "spiking" the probability curve for each Qstatement or Qstory. The BiPSA round leads to more Qstatements and Qstories, and then another BiPSA round. If this attack is unsuccessful then the underlying methodology InnovationSP is branching the challenge out to the three standard routes: breakdown, extension, abstraction,
Illustration: a particular catalytic chemical reaction required high temperature, but a mixed ingredient decomposed in this temperature. The chemist had the original idea to heat up the mixture to the high temperature required for the reaction, and very quickly cool it off before the other ingredient decomposes. For a long time he was concerned that it is utterly impossible and would put him to ridicule. When introduced to the Qstory he stated it. The chemical engineer in the team was thinking of finding a de-catalytic agent to prevent the harmful decomposition, but was reluctant to state it because it may show how little he knows the relevant chemistry. This too came forth when the Qstory was introduced. The germs of both ideas became the foundation of the successful solution.
In a remarkble and subtle way the Qstory relates to regular stories the way a Qbit relates to bits. Bit are binary, Qbits are a continuity with binary edges. Quantum operations involve a collapse of range probability curve to a single value (the delta function), same for Qstory, it starts with a flat probability curve which is BiPSA spiked to a meaningful, truthful, and relevant statement leading to the solutions.
Qstory trainings are tailored to research and development teams, as requested. (Gideon@DGSgo.com)
Notes: The "Meaningful-Meaningless" category is used mainly for Qstories originated by AI. ..