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Innovation Edge, Innovation Science

Innovation Science is all the wisdom of innovatopm
that is not dependent on the innovated subjectmatter

2024 Webinars  booked!

Coming Soon:
The AI Innovation Companion
The Most Powerful use of AI technology:
helping people innovate better!

Improve Your Innovation Productivity with the Innovation Solution Protocol Methodology

We Teach * We Train * We Consult * We Manage

Innovation Productivity is what you are after, not brilliant ideas that are lost when the next brilliant idea is articulated. Innovation Science is the wisdom to extract innovation productivity from the fountain of innovation. Innovation Science is about resource management, because when you run out of resources, your ideas go nowhere. Innovation Science is the sum wisdom of the innovation practice that is not subject-matter unique.


Innovation Science was originated and developed, by Prof. Gideon Samid at the Technion -- Israel Institute of Technology, and was originally practiced by him in various hi-tech industries.


Prof. Samid founded and led D&G Sciences -- Innovation Productivity Corporation, which is now developing AI Assisted Innovation (AIAI) tools to help its clients innovate more efficiently.


Why do our clients outsource innovation management to DGS? Because we render the innovation activity into a normal corporate activity, rather than becoming the "flexible-checkbook", "free run" mode, so common everywhere. When D&G Sciences takes on an innovation project, we optimize the use of your innovation resources, and we provide you with ongoing realistic estimates as to the remaining innovation challenge, its cost and its timetable. Corporate innovation management will tend to delay  bad news and stubbornly push hopeless projects. DGS is committed to high quality appraisal of difficulty, cost and money, and that is how we are being judged.

Innovation Science also codifies the methods used to meet an innovation challenge: (i) breaking down the challenge to smaller parts, (ii) applying solutions that worked over similar challenges, (iii) abstracting the challenge.  All in all innovation science guides the creative juices towards useful results.


By letting DGS manage your current innovation project, you train your team to use our software and methods themselves for the next project.


We realize that the idea of generic innovation science is confusing, and that is why we almost invariably start with an introductory three sessions presentation.

Let Us Help You Innovate!

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